The more details and variables you share with us, the easier it will be for us to understand and provide you with more accurate estimate.


    represents mandatory information.

    Your Information

    Name: *


    Email: *



    How did you find out about IDIS?

    WebsiteReferenceGoogle SearchOthers

    Project Specific Information

    What kind of video production are you considering? *

    Will the video be a stand-alone project and not a part of a bigger video project? *


    Describe your project? *

    What five words best describe the video’s main audience? *

    What has your experience been with video before?

    What is your expected duration of the video? *

    Hr :Min :Sec

    Desired Locations? (choose appropriate) *

    Do you have script ready? *


    Will there be featured actors/models or just extras/background characters? (choose appropriate) *

    Will there be any voiceovers? *


    Is there any element, image, mascot, graphic, animation etc. that you want to include? *


    Output: Highest video resolution required? *

    If your video will require aerial footage, check all that apply: *

    Stationary point (from tower, lift, or other stationary point)Drone (moderate elevation)Aircraft (plane or helicopter footage of large areas from higher elevation)

    Can you give us an idea of the budget parameters? Or should we just work the estimate up as if it were an ideal situation?

    What is your projected production date? *

    From: To:

    What is the estimated delivery date? *

    Do you have any concept in mind? samples for reference? Please copy paste links from internet or simply upload files.

    Supported files: png | jpg | gif | pdf | zip | rar | doc | docx | ppt | pptx
    Maximum file size limit: 2MB




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