Image quality (IQ) is a complex term that goes far beyond brightness and sharpness, be it color reproduction, sharpness, lighting etc. Here we will discuss about the size we recommend and offer.

Image Size

Size is one of the most important characteristics of good product photography for eCommerce.
You may use the product images either for main product page or as thumbs or for a detail/view zoom.
We recommend following specification depending on your requirement. We make sure the images are optimized for fast loading.

Usage Product Category Page/Search
Results Thumbs
Product page Views/Zoom Views/Zoom
Description Large enough to convey the size,
shape and color of your product.
Good product page-quality images. For detailed close-ups. For extra detailed close-ups.
Dimension 100×100 / 200×200 640 x 640 / 800 x 800 800 x 800 / 1000 x 1000 2400 x 2400*
Format / Compression PNG / JPG JPG JPG JPG
Resolution 72ppi 72ppi 72ppi 72ppi

* For people who prefer very high detailing. Note: The size will be close to 800KB and above wherein image will take time to load on your browser, which is generally not recommended.

Best Size: Generally 200KB of file size is good for the main product page, However bigger the file better will it look on your monitor, However a balance of quality and how fast the image will load over the internet is the key factor. We ensure the images are optimized.

Platform Restrictions: eCommerce platforms have their own photo size restrictions. One must be carefull when uploading these images to eCommerce platforms as sometime they automatically reduced the size.
If there is specific size restrictions and you have the specification in-hand we can deliver the images in this required specification, keeping it simple.

Below samples will give you an idea about what we are talking.



SMALL: (200px)



MEDIUM: (640px)



LARGE: (1200px) Rollover image to see the detail.



X-LARGE: (2400px) Rollover image to see the detail.


museum factory product bow-tie dog tie vegetarian-food

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